If you’re like most small business owners, you want to know how well your online marketing efforts are working. You might not be able to measure the data points for each of these six types of metrics, but you can still use them as a guide to help you understand what’s working and what isn’t.
Here are the six ways for measuring your website's success: Visits, Visitor Engagement, Unique Visitors, Social Media Marketing, Lead Capture Pages, and Conversion Rates.
Which is right for you?
See which one matches up with your business needs and goals!
Visits are the number of people who come to your website.
This is a great metric to assess if you have an online store because it can tell you how many people are visiting your site and how often. It's not as useful for most other businesses, but can help you see which pages on your site draw the most interest.
One way to increase visits is by using compelling content that will compel visitors to want to learn more about what your company does.
Visitor Engagement
If you want to know how well your site is performing, visitor engagement is a good start.
Visitor engagement metrics are typically calculated by the number of visitors who read more than 25 percent of the page. You can also measure visitor engagement by counting how many visitors view videos or click on images on your site.
The challenge in measuring this metric is figuring out if people are reading your content because they're interested in it or because they're trying to find something specific. For example, if someone clicks on an image for hair extensions and then leaves the site, that could be considered a low level of engagement. If they actually read through about hair extensions before leaving, that means they were likely interested in what you had to say!
Unique Visitors
Different businesses will be impacted by this metric differently. For example, a highly visited website that covers a variety of topics could have significantly higher unique visitors than an e-commerce site with limited subject matter covered.
For companies with low numbers of visitors, measuring this metric can help them to determine what types of marketing strategies are working to increase their unique visitor count.
To calculate the number of unique visitors, you would take the total number of people visiting your website and divide it by the number of times they visited during a set period.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media networks to market your business. It's an effective way to reach a large audience at a low cost. While traditional advertising methods have been costly, social media has made it possible for small businesses to market themselves on a budget.
We use this type of marketing because it works! Studies show that 51 percent of business owners who use social media marketing are generating more leads than those who don't.
Your success with social media depends on your Facebook advertising strategy, Instagram strategy, Twitter strategy - the list goes on and on. Follow these tips to make sure you're getting the most out of your social marketing efforts!
Lead Capture Pages
A lead capture page is a landing page for your business that captures leads. If you have an email list, you can use this to collect names and email addresses.
If your website is the online version of a brochure, then think of a lead capture page as the back of that brochure, where you put in contact information and offers.
You might use a lead capture page to:
- tell people about your product or service and offer them something for free;
- suggest what content they might like;
- give them an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter;
- ask for their name and email address so you can send them information about updates on your product or service.
Lead capture pages are one way of measuring your website's success.
Conversion Rate
The Conversion Rate is the percentage of visitors who actually convert into buyers. So how exactly do you know which reports indicate how traffic arrived at a website.
Conversion rates are calculated by dividing the total number of conversions by the total number of visits to a site or page and multiplying by 100.
These types of metrics show you how effective your website is at converting visitors into sales.
If you're selling products, this metric will measure the percentage of people who visit your product page and then purchase your product. If you're running a blog, it'll measure the percentage of blog readers who subscribe to your newsletter.
Lead Capture Pages
Are pages where people can provide their personal information in exchange for something specific from you. These types of pages are often used when someone wants to download your eBook or when they want to sign up for a free trial of a service.
Lead Capture Pages might include a contact form, a subscription form, or an order form. The goal here is not only to get that visitor's information but also to keep them engaged with your business in some way.
Visitor Engagement
This is what happens when people not only visit but also engage with content on your site. This includes scrolling around on pages, clicking on ads, commenting on posts, and sharing what they see with others.
What is the conversion rate?
A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a site who make a purchase or perform some other desired action.
This metric is important because it determines how many visitors your site is converting, and if you're getting a good return on investment. A high conversion rate means you're doing work that pays off, but one that's too low might be an indication that you need to rethink your marketing strategy.
How do you calculate the conversion rate?
Think of conversion rate as the percentage of visitors that complete your desired goal. For example, if you want to know how well your website is converting visitors into leads, you would calculate it by dividing the number of leads received by the number of visitors who visit your lead capture page.
For instance: If 10 people visit your lead capture page and 1 person becomes a lead, then your conversion rate is 10 percent.
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Why does it matter?
Every business wants to know how successful they are. Online marketing is a powerful way of reaching out to your target audience, so it's important to find ways of evaluating the success of your efforts.
You might not have time or resources to measure each metric individually, but knowing which one you need will help you decide which metrics are important for your business.
How do you improve your conversion rate?
The number one metric that small businesses should be focusing on is their conversion rate. The conversion rate is a measure of how many people who visit your website actually do what you want them to do—whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or completing a lead capture page.
In order to improve your conversion rate, you have to know what your current conversion rate is and what the easily fixable issues are. Once you identify those things, you can start to implement changes that will help increase your conversions.
Here are some basic things to think about:
- Reducing the number of steps for completing a goal
- Increasing the importance of certain pages
- Improving navigation
- Enhancing design quality
- Making it easier for people to find what they’re looking for
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